Rafael Eitan - translation to English
Online Dictionary

Rafael Eitan - translation to English

Raphael Eitan; Raful; Rafael "Raful" Eitan; Raful Eitan; רפול איתן; רפאל איתן; Rafael Kaminsky
  • Raful Eitan (squatting, right) with members of 890th Paratroop Battalion after Operation Egged (November 1955). Standing l to r: Lt. [[Meir Har-Zion]], Maj. [[Ariel Sharon]], Lt. Gen [[Moshe Dayan]], Capt. [[Dani Matt]], Lt. Moshe Efron, Maj. Gen [[Asaf Simchoni]]; On ground, l to r: Capt. [[Aharon Davidi]], Lt. Ya'akov Ya'akov, Capt. Rafael Eitan.
  • Eitan as a commander in the [[Harel Brigade]], 1948
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  • Eitan (center) with two officers, Amnon Eshkol and Mordechai Yerushalmi, in Lebanon, 1983
  • Eitan in 2002
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  • Eitan, left, with General [[Israel Tal]] during the [[Six-Day War]]

Rafael Eitan         
n. Rafael Eitan (1929-2004), Oberbefehlshaber der israelischen Armee im Libanonkrieg, später Mitglied des israelischen Parlaments
Rafael Eitan         
Rafael Eitan, former chief of staff of the Israeli defense forces, member of the Israeli parliament, "Raful"
Pietro Perugino         
  • The Delivery of the Keys]]'' fresco, 1481–1482, [[Sistine Chapel]], Rome
  • Stanza dell'Incendio del Borgo]]
  • Monument to Pietro Vannucci, [[Perugia]]
  • 1490}}
  • 1490}}
  • ''[[Madonna with Child Enthroned between Saints John the Baptist and Sebastian]]'', 1493<!-- (Madonna in trono col Bambino tra i Santi Giovanni Battista e Sebastiano) -->
Perugino; Pietro Vannucci; Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci; Il Perugino; Pietro Di Cristoforo Vannucci
n. Pietro Perugino, als Pietro di Cristoforo Vanucci Pérugin geboren (1446-1524), italienischer Maler dessen bekanntestes Kunstwerk das Fresko "Christus übergibt Petrus den Schlüssel zum Himmelreich" sich in der Sixtinischen Kapelle befindet


·adj Like Raphael's works; in Raphael's manner of painting.


Rafael Eitan

Rafael "Raful" Eitan (Hebrew: רפאל "רפול" איתן, born 11 January 1929 – 23 November 2004) was an Israeli general, former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (Ramatkal) and later a politician, a Knesset member, and government minister.

Examples of use of Rafael Eitan
1. After holding a number of command positions, he succeeded Rafael Eitan as chief of staff in 1'83.
2. By Akiva Eldar Tags: settlers, Israel News Yigal Amir claims that the opponents of the Oslo Accords – Ariel Sharon, Rehavam Ze‘evi, and Rafael Eitan – provided him with the motive to assassinate Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
3. When then agriculture minister Rafael Eitan suggested 20 years ago that couples shower together, people laughed uproariously and continued to scoff at the need to reduce the demand for water.
4. Halutz did not fail more than Haim Bar–Lev in the War of Attrition, Rafael Eitan in Lebanon in 1'82, Shomron in 1''1, or those who have been conducting the fight against Palestinian terror since 2000.
5. At the conclusion of the war, sandwiched between the Agranat Commission and the Winograd Committee, arose the Kahan Commission, which scolded Begin, Sharon and chief of staff Rafael Eitan all together.